Eggs are the perfect food. Healthy, tasty, and nearly vegan. There are so many ways to cook an egg. What is the best way?


Correct. Soft boiled eggs are the perfect choice for the Bourgeoisie's distinguished palate.


Sea Level, like Los Angeles:  Boil for 7 minutes

High Elevation, like Denver:  Boil for 7 minutes and 30 seconds


In years past, making soft boiled eggs was a terrible mess. Oh, lordy, you had to pick the little bits of eggshell out by hand. They'd stick to your fingers, then scratch your eyes when you try to rub them. Inevitably there'd be crunchy bits leftover in your food. That's not classy!

Fortunately for the human race, some enterprising folks have made soft boiled eggs so very easy for us. Here's egg cookers... PICK A COLOR!


Want to go air fried on your eggs?  You need the Ninja.  These are seriously not only the best air fryers, but they're some of the best rated products on Amazon.  Four great options here, you can't go wrong with any of them.

Ninja AF101 cook times:

9 minutes for soft boil

11 minutes for medium boil

14 minutes hard boiled


And now for the other half of your soft boiled egg adventure, here's the mystical egg cracker. It's the perfect way to serve your creation:

Let's just say hypothetically you don't really want soft boiled eggs. Don't fret, there is a solution. Buy this book. It has over 100 other recipes for eggs, and would look wonderful in your kitchen.

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And finally, if you don't want any eggs, or any food for that matter, I cannot recommend highly enough "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Haruki Murakami. Its surrealism is not subtle like 1Q84 - this is a full-on exploration of the conscious and subconscious mind.